What an exciting opening for a new series! The story blew me away with all the twists and turns! The characters are harsh, hard and…well mostly cartel. Then there is the love or maybe revenge flowing through the veins of both Val and Eden. Very tricky! Living in a “who can you trust” world. I really enjoyed learning more of these characters and what makes them tick.

Eden is a strong woman who brings out the crazy only when needed. She is perfect for Val who is straddling a line right now. I loved their dynamic. From the beginning I could easily see the attraction between them. It only intensified as they became more intertwined. Secondary characters are great as well..even the bad ones.

I did listen to this on audio. I loved that the same person who voiced Brody also voices him in Brody’s book.(sorry I listened to that one first). The narration is superbly done.