This is a long journal entry of a dude that is working his way up the space cargo ship ladder. Literally zero conflict happens. Dude sails through everything. He sadly loses his mom and every thing he owns in the first chapter but that’s it. He is just a natural born genius at every turn from then on, leading a charmed life. The author has the female characters all using their womanly charms for professional gain which is a tired trope. And yet this 18 yr old boy main character barely notices the women most of the book. I stopped listening when one of the women “unbuttoned the top of her blood and cooed to the person she wanted something from while stroking a finger on her collar.” Just. Ew. And the whole thing is read by a man that sounds kinda like the old film noir detective narrators. With very little change in tone or inflection. It started out kinda interesting to hear the world built and all the career pieces built up but then nothing bad ever happened—nothing even mildly difficult. No one messed up. Characters were all just nice and pleasant and easy going. No one to redeem. No one to hate. No one to strive against. Truly the definition of boring. And I see this goes on for several more installations?! Can’t wait to read the reviews and see what is so appealing about this absolute drivel.