I really want to like this book. It’s got the basis of a decent storyline. I’m about 5 hours in and don’t think i can continue much further. It might get better but the majority of the dialog sounds as if a question is constantly being asked. The younger people in the story are made to sound whiny, sarcastic, and in constant conflict with the older characters. It appears as if the author (or the narrator) have a pretty one-sided view of anyone under the age of 20. The main adult male lead is either chronically skeptic or severely critical of everyone & everything. He also seems to be in constant “teenage angst” mode when interacting with his father. The timeline, while consequential, seems to be all over the place – kid stalks & battles a mountain lion, skins & tans the hide, butchers a cow, digs out a root cellar, AND walks to town & back (which we have to assume, while represented as far off, can’t be more than a mile or so away)….all in the same day?

I wish i could convince myself to press forward – hoping it will improve…maybe the characters develop strongly…maybe the kids grow up & act less like stereotypical depressed teenagers…maybe grandma stops sounding like she ought to be British aristocracy instead of a hardworking, down to earth rancher…maybe Dad grows a pair and starts acting like a man as well…IDK…I had to turn it off after the last teenage girl “Daaaaddd, ugh!” Can’t continue. Burned a credit I can’t get back.