This audiobook was really puzzling. In the beginning it appears to set up the main character as Zach – the person fated with stopping the “monster” that destroyed the world. However this person only gets about 25% of the plotline. Instead the book provides hours about the main character, the monster Ryun, in a misguided attempt in trying to garner sympathy with his situation and turn the tables into making him an antihero. Except he does not have the necessary redeeming qualities. It’s like emphathizing with Hitler because you learn a Jewish person killed his girlfriend so his murder of innocent children and women etc is understandable. I wasted way too many hours waiting to see why the author spent so much time on this character. Sure there is some lame mention of a power that sort of possesses him for some of the time but does not adequately cover all his actions. He has the stunted emotional maturity of a school shooter and really who wants to root for someone like that.

Not to mention Ryun is laughably overpowered. Every single action he takes provides him with godlike power as to drain any suspense from the plot. Trust me, save the credit and skip this one.