I gave 3 stars because it may be that the book is fine for what it IS and I just didn’t read enough reviews before buying (had to stop after St. Benedict and return it). I love world history written for casual reads/listens, or for young readers – it just chills me out. Even though I’m agnostic, I recognize the religion has played a huge part in history and that faith and scholarship aren’t always in conflict, so blurb phrases like “told through the prism of faith” didn’t put me off. But this isn’t merely history told in a way that’s compatible with faith…. it’s a straight up Sunday School reader. When people started walking on water, I tapped out.

I’m not here to criticize or debate anyone’s beliefs. If you think a history book should state that Benedict made his soull so beautiful for God that God enabled him to work many miracles, you might enjoy this. It wasn’t what I signed up for.