Haha! Another great addition to the Supervillainy Saga! I loved the sassy talking raven (who is named David Niall Wilson, who is an actual author and now I need to go read his stuff). I can visualize a sassy raven writing horror stories. So Gary is stuck with this raven as he mucks about saving the President’s daughter. Being a superhero is way less fun and rewarding than being a supervillain.

Plenty of favorite characters from the previous books pop in as well as a few new ones, like the psycho killers The Accountant and Final Girl. If you’ve read Psycho Killers in Love then you will recognize these two and know their worth right away. But Gary doesn’t know them and trust has to be earned. It was a great mashup because there’s Dracula and Satan’s Swamp. You need some heroes who can handle slashers.

Full of pop culture references and great one-liners, this fast-paced urban fantasy will have you laughing even as you cheer on the heroes.. er supervillains… er kinda superheroes. That crooked sheriff had me laughing because he gets his butt handed to him. It was also great to see Jane Doe and Agent G. I was laughing at the easy-access magic that surprised Jane but makes total sense for Gary’s world.

Some of the more serious moments revolved around Gary and Jane. They have a great friendship, or they did until Gary kicked her out at the end of the last book. To Gary’s credit, he was trying to keep his friends safe. Yet Jane is in the right too. She’s an adult, has some great powers, and it she felt she should have had a choice in the matter. But I’m sure these two can repair their friendship.

Overall, the story has plenty to keep me engaged and entertained. I love those little moments of seriousness to balance all the sass and sarcasm. I laughed my butt off listening to this book. 5/5 stars.

The Narration: Jeffrey Kafer has long been a favorite and it was great to hear him return to the Supervillainy Saga. As usual, he had a variety of voices for this cast of characters. I love how he sounds fully engaged in the story, like he’s enjoying telling us the story as much as I’m enjoying hearing it. His female voices are believable and I like his monster voices too. He’s also great at adding in emotion to the tale, as needed. The pacing is perfect and there are no tech issues with the recording. 5/5 stars.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are 100% my own.