This was an entertaining, easy listen. I liked both Kit and Percy, and I really liked them together, talk about opposites! I enjoyed how they worked together on Percy’s quest, after some hesitancy on Kit’s part, which ultimately led to them falling in love.

I thought the mystery of the blackmailer was intriguing, and Cat Sebastian put a nice twist to it. The heist itself felt kind of rushed, after all the build up. I was satisfied with the way things ended with Kit and Percy, but the ending was definitely open-ended. After checking, I do see there will be a second book, featuring the 2 characters whose storyline we were kind of teased with. I was hoping Kit and Percy would be getting another book, but hopefully they’ll be making appearances in the next one!

Another winner of a performance from Joel Leslie! I really enjoyed the accents and the way he was able to differentiate Kit and Percy’s voices. I think he does a terrific job with the different social classes, just by slight changes in his voice.