There is no major problem or main vilan to defeat in this book. they run into a (formally) strong enemy from a past book, and just kill them off without any battle. the one big monster they do find is killed off with no trouble because they just magically (no pun intended) have massive bombs and canisters of poison to kill it without any real risk or trouble to the characters. Most of this book is taken up by training battles that happen in a magical VR machine, with this being a lit-rpg book to begin with, it is kind of jumping the shark to add a virtual reality world inside of a magical world lit-rpg book. And the one character that is too weak to train with the other overpowered people just magically (again not a pun) just teleports himself to another magical world and leaves behind a letter saying he will appear back in about a month and be stronger. I don’t know why the author goes into such detail to explain a virtual fight between people on the same team, but then also has other team members just go away to train with zero description of it. overall it just doesn’t feel like anything really happens in this book, like you could skip it entirely and it could all be summed up in a few paragraphs as a recap in the next book. nothing really happens at all, none of the good guys die, one one bad guy is killed, and in an uneventful way.