So bad I couldn’t stop cringing. No amount of suspension of disbelief could get me to believe in the set up to this plot.

This felt like what highschool teens recall twins being like. It treated identical twins like a novelty like adults can’t distinguish one from the other. There’s even very specific different mannerisms and physical differences mentioned like a eyebrow piercing. Yet this plot still tries to treat it like they can’t be told apart. Anyone with half a brain and close physical and emotion intimacy with a person CAN tell a twin apart or that the person is not who you’re used to.

It immediately started off with this horrible scene of a brother breaking up with another brothers boyfriend for him because this other brother has anxiety/PTSD issues that doesn’t allow him to. So the twin essentially takes his place because ‘he’d do anything for his brother’. A boyfriend. Someone that very obviously intimately knows their partner, their mannerisms and the distinct physical difference that they see all the time (the pierced eyebrow). That was immediately hard to swallow for an opening to this book and the logic Olympics its going to pull to try and pull off a lame plot.

The set up for the romantic interest was just so poorly done that I was getting nauseated with the poor choice of romance plot building.
The MC’s romantic interest is essentially a blind date for the other brother but he was too anxious to go. So of course the other brother goes for him to decline him in person the date??? What? Why? In what world is that even a thing? No one does that. No one has ever done that. Call like the 30 year old grown ups they claim to be. Heck the brother could have even called for him if he was so anxious.

So then on the fly the brother during this date decided to hookup which is the worst Erotic scene ever as its like 20 seconds long and all hands with no build up, tension or heat. After this a surprise guest sees them and points out the lack of an eyebrow piercing. And then he claims to have taken it out to skirt the issue on him not being who he said he was.Then this is just like swept aside? Everyone at our age has seen eyebrow piercings. Even when they are taken out, they leave a mark, you can see the bump where the missing piercing is. Absolutely no one would believe this. The reason for lieing also is just hard to buy into in the first place. It was a blind date, this guy has no attachment or knowledge of the other brother in the first place. Why? This is a awful book that is why.

Anyways. Then this book tries to sell that the MC is ashamed of his sexuality. This makes no sense when the book very clearly tells us that in this world, these surrounding, these people in it are all very accepting people and no stranger to different orientations and on top of that his own twin brother is into men. How then am I supposed to believe any of this ‘shame’ the characters trying to sell to get the reasoning with this plot started?

This PTSD/Anxiety issue for the other brother also is so poorly built up that it turned this into a sorta cringe fest of bad writing. It felt like an exploitive tool to try and excuse some of the logic Olympics behind this plot.

This fails to do anything right to be coherent or believable and just is a mess.
Highly recommend against this book.