Another hit for Charlie Novak! So far I have never been disappointed by her writing style and great stories. Add in Joel Leslie’s narration and you’re in for a treat!

Edward was this intriguing and a bit mysterious character in Natural Twenty and it was obvious that there was something going on with his nemesis, another cosplayer named The Masked Gentleman.

And oh, was it funny to read what was really going on… despise-filled hook-ups in bathroom at conventions, a solid dose of snark and vitriol-laces remarks for three solid years, until they are forced to spend three days in closed proximity, which leads to them getting to know each other further than the hatred façade they always have on when they meet. This is when they start to thaw to each other and then there’s a sort of snowball effect from there.

I loved the banter, the book is fun and steamy and I loved how the characters don’t let go of their barbs even when they get together properly, that’s just how their relationship works.