From page one, you are thrown into the real world. A world where everything isn’t perfect and life isn’t a pretty picture. The way Emily builds her characters, connecting you to them is nothing short of perfection. Each character, main or otherwise are relatable. You get their stories and you understand their struggles. You feel their emotions and you experience their lives alongside them.
Alina and Chase – their push and pull romance is still raw for me. They meet as children and you just know they are destined to be together but it’s not that easy. Their journeys will break you, fix you, break you again, and fix you again. Their development is beautifully written. Emily deals with some very real and dark issues in this novel, including that of Chase’s mental health that is the real world is taboo and kept secret.
Jax – I could write pages about the perfect character Emily has created but I can’t ruin anyone’s experiences here. Let’s just say that the novel for him alone is well worth the read! Each side character you want to read more about, you want to know their backstories as well as their futures. That’s the beauty that Emily has poured into her characters.
The narrators did such an outstanding job telling this story. bringing the characters to life in every way possible. i highly recommend everyone to check out this story.