It’s okay. I got the omnibus of all four books and made it about half way through the third before I stop.

The premise and concept was pretty good The voice acting was pretty good. But the main characters were just dumb.

Grace was supposed to be a super competent survivalist trained from childhood, but she had to get saved by the same guy twice because she put herself in dumb and easily avoidable positions.

Alternately, half way through book three, one of the characters we’re following goes back and forth (often within a paragraph) about killing the man who’s constantly lied to her, put them and others in danger, beat her, and captured her, and expressing sympathy for his plight. Honestly I found myself rooting for the bad guys by this point.

Grace’s dad Robert was supposed to be the sort of focused survivalist who plans everything out 10 steps in advanced. When we experience the story through his eyes, it turns out he’s just a whiner who complains alot.

Arthur was the only all around competent character.

I’d save a credit on this if I could, but I listened to more than half, so I’m not asking for a refund.