I found this book because I adore Joel Leslie as a narrator, and his voice is wonderful as always. Sadly the book reads like a very rough draft. The beginning is a race with no character development, the gang of guy friends is introduced without enough description to keep them mentally sorted, and the video game anonymous bit was covered in what felt like a single paragraph. That was the entire rationale for the angst in this developing relationship, and could have been a fun section had the author invested the time in writing about how they met in the game, what their dialogue was, what they were thinking and feeling as they connected. Instead the entire thing could have been written in a fortune cookie – video game, pretending to be named Drew, virtual sexy times, and then being a total douche. Its disappointing because the ideas could have been delightful with the small town vet who works to keep off the weight he lost and is a closeted comic book fan. Halfway through the romance novel hero starts talking about perfect book boyfriend which would have been charming at the beginning, but instead I mostly dislike him before they even get naked. I will return this one.