My Darling Arrow was absolutely everything I could want in a forbidden romance. From the moment I started listening to this story, I was 100% hooked and I did not ever want to stop. This story was angsty, heart-breaking on so many levels, but there was so much love in it too. My heart truly went out to Arrow for all he had been through, and my heart was crushed for Salem and how much she loved Arrow from afar for so long and the choices she made so that love would stay hidden.

I am a huge fan of angst, and this author can absolutely bring it. My heart was shattered I think several times before I got to end of the story, but it was well worth the ride. The audiobook was exceptionally well done. Sarah Puckett and Jason Clarke are both phenomenal narrators and masters at their trade and they truly brought this story to life. I would highly recommend this story!