~Disclaimer: I received a free audiobook copy of this book. ~

Jacqueline Druga continues to write intriguing apocalyptic/post apocalyptic stories. My main complaint about the books I’ve read of hers is that sometimes they are a bit too short and that doesn’t allow the story enough time to breath and develop the characters. In this book, we get plenty of character setup before the disaster hits. However, I still wish it was longer.

The story was interesting and the disaster was fleshed out decently. I’d actually enjoy a novella or something to go with this story to further show how the world changes after the disaster has more time to form. The characters are varied and have difference responses to the disaster. It was nice to read a story about the apocalypse that didn’t express the narrative that humans are generally bad and do evil things to each other in a crisis.

Suspense built up well because of the isolation of the community.

Narration was good and the pacing was consistent. I didn’t hear any issues.