This was one of my favorite series. Not just by Ryan but by any post-apocalyptic author. It is DEFINITELY feasible and making it a point to understand that one must use violence to defend themselves and their families with any force necessary up to and including violence is a very important take away. The majority of Americans are so oblivious to the numerous possibilities of a societal collapse WHEN it happens people are going to wish they took a little extra time to look between the lines and not just soak up what MSM dishes out. The random funny phrases throughout the series literally make my laugh out loud. Especially with Kevin Pierce doing the narration. Literally hilarious. The combination of violence and comedy is what I love. I have been out of the army for a while but the hyper vigilance is still there and this helps bring it down a notch as I feel I am part of the story. Thank you for that Ryan. It takes a little of the edge off this life I live now on a computer. Thank you and keep up the work.