This book is awful. I’m not even 3 hours in and I just can’t do it anymore.

Our main character is an incel in the making. His parents don’t remember he exists, the principal bullies him, the school secretary bullies him, the other kids bully him, the love interest girl turns on him for the antagonist because the bully antagonist is so hot and great?

I barely got to the point where he actually plays the game the book is about! You start liking other characters that aren’t the main character just because at least cardboard cut-out side characters don’t whine so much about their “terrible” lives. I shouldn’t want to also hate the main character just because the main character is so annoying but here we are.

The MC comes straight from an incel forum somewhere I swear. “Everyone is mean to me but I’m so nice and even the one girl I was nice to left me for the mean guy just because he’s hotter! Wahhh.”