This series is awesome and I love the consistencies that existed all over the place especially with the narrator. Austin Jay did his part with vocal consistencies for all the characters in the series. That is exceptional work for a reader especially for those of us who value/prefer the audio format! But the writers deserve a big pat on the back, too! It would have been easy for them to forget the aspect of King’s gang life instead of doing what they did–tackle it head-on with the gang strengthening their position in Chicago with the might of the police department and expect to reinsert themselves in King’s life. Dang, they handled that aspect of the narrative beautifully but consistently. With King’s overriding expectation to always manage the tough stuff to keep everyone else safe. How glorious it was when everyone else wanted to, needed to join in to save King who was always trying to save everyone else. The writers were righteous in maintaining the characters’ behaviors while showing characters’ development and growth and this can be seen with several of the secondary characters. Awesome to expend the effort (in terms of words that add to the story) on more than just the principal players! The pacing was strong in that the writers continue to keep the readers engaged from scene to scene. Then the balance that allows readers a peek into the kinder, gentler moments of the characters’ lives–the self-think/talk, sex scenes, dialog with secondary or tertiary players… All just beautifully done. This is one of the best series I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing! Yay, authors!