The performance alone was on another level in this book. There were extra voice actors and the music and it just elevated the experience of listening to the book.

One problem I have always had with audiobooks is that there’s usually only one or two voice actors that tends to make pretty much everybody sound the same. with this many voice actors however, there was more than enough variety in how the characters sounded and it just made it more enjoyable. The music wasn’t too much and it really elevated the energy of certain scenes.

The story seems to have matured quite a bit. And the first books and everybody was getting violated sexually. usually it was being done by tentacles monster. there’s mention of it now but it doesn’t really seem to happen which is fine. instead of laying out these different scenes where it can go into quite a bit of detail, it just basically tells you certain things happen which I think is better.

I liked how this book gave a a better understanding of the world around the main character. overall I think that this is the best book yet though I do wish it was a little bit longer. I guess I got spoiled by the one book that was 14 hours. I feel like a book needs to be at least to justify the cost whether it be I pay for the book directly or I use an audible credit. If I get more than that, I’m probably more get the next book before any other books because I feel like it was better value.