Very graphic indeed. How sad for the women he killed. Treating a human being like trash. So sad to think about how bad a persons life has to be to become a sex worker. He wonders why he kept attracting the women that wanted to use him. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Look at the places he was meeting women at. He knew they would be easy targets, do something to anger him, as his justification to end their lives. For those who believe in religion: He talks about him and the devil. The devil was an influencer and true to form, had been given the chance to run rampant with this guy at the wheel. He would be wise to know the devil doesn’t give brownie points just causes destruction of lives. ie…the unfortunate women, their families, his family and friends, his ex wife, and children for generations. Oh yeah, this guy got the devil rubbing his palms together. I’m a female truck driver and now it gives me the creeps to climb in the bunk (coffin) to sleep. I listened to the book as a reminder of what I could encounter out here on the road. The book was well written and the reader was good. I just wish it wouldn’t have been a true story.