The 4 star reviews have been very kind. When I read the complaints about how depressive the MC is, I thought, surely it’s an exaggerated.

I’m 6 hours from the end of the book. And it has been nearly constant suicidal/depressive Introspection. Despite having a truly god level op set of abilities, despite gaining magic, the MC is left in a constant state of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. It gets so bad at points you almost wish it’d happen, because then maybe the story would shift and a new main character would emerge.

*A minor spoiler follows*

At this point, the MC has at last met another being and is no longer alone. Yet, despite this being his stated goal, his suicidal depression continues. And despite all his training, and increasing levels of deific power, he is still basically one shot by random creatures. At this point, the only reason I’m still listening is because I’m most of the way through, and because I hope to get more story from the perspective of the other character that has been introduced. Absolutely could not listen to a sequel in this same style.