I’m always up for a revenge story that involves some vigilante justice. Right away, I knew I was going to like this story. I didn’t know how much I would be kept on the edge of my seat by this book! This is not your typical revenge tale. It’s not your typical vigilante justice novel. There’s several excellent twists that kept me guessing for the entire story. I devoured this book.

Steven and his wife (Rachel, if I recall correctly) have a lovely daughter, Luna. As the book’s description says, they lose their daughter. The tale handles this really well showing Steven’s panic at losing this daughter, Rachel’s anger and fear and eventually deep sadness when they learn of Luna’s murder. The author steers clear of any scenes showing direct harm to the child but the main characters (and I) got the important impact of Luna’s final days.

The stranger who approaches Steven and offers ‘justice’ to Steven is a little creepy. I really couldn’t tell if he was just cagey and trying very hard to maintain his secrecy while also handing a murdering pedophile over to the grieving father, or was he a disturbed individual who was messing with Steven. I loved that I never fully settled on exactly what the stranger wanted until a certain scene plays out. I felt I had figured it out. To my delight, I had not figured out the stranger!

But the surprises didn’t stop there. The last quarter of the book was full of revelations and kept me glued to the book. The suspense was great and I thoroughly enjoyed how the story concluded. Not everyone gets a happy ending, but enough of the good guys get enough happiness to make me a satisfied reader. Plus I like how the story explores the age-old question of was is justice. 5/5 stars.

The Narration: Tom Jordan was a good choice for this book. I like his even, solid voice for Steven, tho one a few occasions the voice softened to the point where I wasn’t sure if Steven or his wife Was talking. But for 90% of the book, the voice for Steven was spot on. Tom Jordan’s feminine voices for the ladies were great and I liked his little kid voices too. His slightly gravelly voice for the stranger was the best voice in the story, being assertive, confident, just slightly creepy, and perfect for the character. The pacing was perfect and there were no technical issues. 4.75/5 stars.

I received a free copy of this book. My opinions are 100% my own.