Zeb agrees to serve as best man at his ex’s wedding. To avoid looking like a loser, he hires his employee, Jesse, to be his fake boyfriend. Sure, he’s attracted to the guy, but who wouldn’t be? Jesse is gorgeous, playful, and irreverent—the perfect foil to Zeb’s more serious nature. But with a 20 year difference in their ages, nothing romantic can happen between them. Can it?

This book is so funny! It’s cringey in the best way that the bisexual groom is marrying a woman to satisfy his homophobic family—and that Jesse continually calls people out for their nonsense. He and Zeb are adorable together, and it’s lovely how patient Jesse is with Zeb in helping him overcome his misconceptions and insecurities.

Thanks, Gay Romance Reviews, for the audio ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.