🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻V from Kansas🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

I’m enjoying this series, so far, but I must admit that I’m not completely comfortable with the world it’s set in. I also haven’t decided if Ryder is a hero or an anti-hero; I’m thinking the latter.

This book ends with a cliffhanger (of course) and I’m thinking that some of my questions could be answered soon.

The Heroine definitely could stand some growth. She is ridiculously stubborn and she often thinks that she can change the inevitable, if she’s determined, enough. This trait has caused several tragedies, to happen around her but, she just doesn’t learn; of course she’s only 21.

I’m still a bit lost about all the different types of Fea and their individual characteristics but, I’m hoping that will come in time.