For years I have been intrigued by the Fantasy LitRPG genre but, with a few notable exceptions, they always seem to disappoint. LitRPG seems to attract a lot of amateur writers, which is great for the health of the industry but not so great for finding an enjoyable read. Imagine my surprise then when this book turned out to not just be good, but great.

The story is top tier, the narration is fantastic and the in-world game mechanics strike that perfect balance between believable but fanciful. You can tell Kyle Kirrin is a true MMORPG fan, because he really captured what it is that makes them attractive to so many people. All of that aside though, the real standout element of this book is the dialog and it’s ability to be laugh out loud funny. I can’t recall the last time a book has made me spontaneously laugh this much. That’s not to take anything away from Travis Baldree, who really does a fantastic job of bring the dialog to life. Just an A+ audible offering, all around. Well done guys.