Before I get into this, all I have to say is that if you haven’t cracked into Will’s Cradle and Traveler Gate stories, you’re in for a treat.
I am now about to end the Elder Empire by finishing Of Killers and Kings, and I honestly feel a piece of me missing. The end of this book was heartbreaking and amazing all at once. I loved all of the characters, the different POV that you experience throughout the entire double trilogy. I love the universe and specifically the iteration that Will has given us a peek into. I can only hope and pray that he plans to continue with all of these beloved characters. I won’t lie, I do prefer this trilogy over its counterpart, as I feel I connect with the characters here a little more. But they’re both phenomenal. Will has created something special. I love the universe as a whole and if you haven’t read/listened to the others please do. Travis is amazing as always, bringing to life each character in his own unique way that beautifully makes you love them and cry for them as you listen. I highly recommend all of his books, and Will if you read this… Thank you. Seriously. You’re a genius and you could continue creating stories for this universe you’ve created until the end of time and I would read them for as long as I am able.