I was hesitant in purchasing this audio book. It has been sitting in my wish list fir several months.
The story is to close to home for me. I was not sure if I could get through it. But I did. I work with a group of suicide prevention, this story was wonderfully written and did great talking points on mental health. The book took some great things and created a great love story, forgiveness and looking in on how to take help and use it.
The story had me crying and smiling because of how the moments drew me back to some darker times. But I too have taken the road to help. Seeing such a story like this was amazing.
I applaud the writer in diving in on such a subject and I thank you for providing this book for others to read and take heart on how it can be better if you want to work at it.
The story may seem like a typical happy ending but when you think of the support and non judgmental help from MC you feel it’s possible for the outcome.
Take the time to read or listen to this story and learn how a good support can change a life so much.