Like the communication officer from Star Trek you have just translated communications from a line for all the officer’s to understand what the aliens are saying. Eat that Rosetta Stone.

Note: this is for chapter 11 for the boss fight. These are her lines throughout the fight. You’re welcome Crawlers.

Ayudame por favor.
Please help me.

No se que esta pasando. Me duele el estomagi. No se donde estoy. Por favor, tengo miedo.
I do not know what is happening. My stomach hurts. I do not know where I am. Please, I’m scared.

Help me!

Lo siento si fui una mala persona.
I’m sorry if I was a bad person.

No queria que mi hija se enfermara. No quiero estat en el infierno. Por favor. Por favor enviame a Jesus.
I didn’t want my daughter to get sick. I don’t want to be in hell. Please. Please send me Jesus.