The Sound of Silence by Dakota Willink is full of dark romance and suspense.

Every day, she reminds herself of a popular proverb: What does not kill us makes us stronger. People believe she lives an ideal life with her perfect spouse, but they are unaware of the reality. She was easily crushed — shattered, just as he intended her to be — like the fragile petals of the daisies he liked to gift. She has learnt to accept the situation as it is, but she will not allow it to ruin her. Instead, she does the only thing she knows how to do in order to survive: she runs.

He was certain she had a tale to tell. He was aware that it was going to involve violence, but he had no idea the atrocities she had endured. He’d waited so long, and she’d been through so much. Her scars were more than skin deep, yet she was exquisite in every way. It was nearly difficult to tell the difference between truth and lies, but he knew her secret. Nonetheless, he couldn’t help but want to go closer. She was powerful, and strength had its own beauty. It drew him in — and she drew him in. He wished to remove her nightmares and provide her with something fresh to fantasize about.

I loved this story and the concept of it as well.I loved every page of it. Every chapter was exciting. This is the first book from this author and I can’t wait to read more.