(Note: this review covers the first three books of the series. )

Several earlier reviewers have complained about “nothing” happening in these books, of a too perfect hero with a too perfect life, of an ugly attitude toward women. ‘Ware spoilers ahead…

1. “Nothing happens” This is not military SF. No guns, lasers, aliens, or evil overlords. This is character- driven fiction: a coming-of-age story of an 18-year old who loses his mother, his home, and even his planet in one accident, and must somehow survive.

2. “Too perfect life” See # 1 above. Also, some people ARE lucky, SOME organizations are populated by mostly ethical, competent and well-meaning people, and some people DO find the wrong answers on the answer key and don’t just shrug it off.

3. “Too perfect hero” Not really. If his mother had not died, he might have become lazy–a slacker–everything had been easy to that point. Ishmael is the type of intelligent person who needs to be challenged in order to excel, and the more challenged he is, the happier he is.

4. “Ugly attitude toward women” Ishmael’s attitude toward women is refreshingly, respectfully lusty. He takes his behavioral cues from his partners and never pressures anyone into anything they don’t want to do. Some readers are disturbed by his imagination (fantasies) but I find his actions impeccable by current standards.