I must say, food for thought. The telling of these theories and Mr Shaw’s presentation of chains of events that tie these three people together helped to humanize them. I like Mr Shaw’s passion as he knocks down the pedestals we have erected we have erected then celebrates the lives and accomplishments of these three bigger than life heroes. Thank You.

I do take exception however, with Mr Shaw’s berating of Trump. I would like to see him fairly tackle the subject of Trump acknowledging accomplishments as well as explaining in a reasoned manner the shortcomings. I think this is Mr Shaw’s strength. It knocked down my 5 star rating due to this one area of unbalanced authorship. What I heard was a blind guttural emotional response. In fairness I would like to see what Mr Shaw comes up with from a deeper study of Trump getting below the programmed cultural response.

Still a 4 star rating with comments (which I do not always offer) Good work.