Frankly, this book is going to be difficult to talk about. Unlike the previous 3 books, this book intersects with almost all the other series in small ways, and as such contains massive spoilers for everything else.

What I can say is that this story is the most plot focused of the AA books, feeling more like a DD book. More on why that is in the spoilers section, but it should be obvious.

The charecters are still good, their just not as well developed in this book as the earlier three, instead drawing on the previous books and just continuing what already existed.

This is the point when the naming conventions of the books change and, well, I can understand why. This book is the ending point of what I’d call the first arc of the AA series. If I was being conservative, I’d say the next four books are basicaly a different series at this point.

This book drives home what leads to the future we see in later series, and I’m going to be happy to talk about how in spoilers.