2 1/2-3 ☆’s I could’ve worked with this story line, of so many crazy things happening to her against her will, if her mistreatment had been turned around sooner. There’s only 2 hours left of the book and it’s only now starting to get better. I just spent hours depressed and outraged by what happens to her and I don’t know if I can handle anymore. I may have to return it before finishing it even though I’ve already invested so much time into this book. I just spent my entire morning and afternoon torn up and on the verge of tears, I’m just not sure if I can handle one more bad thing happening.
The sex scenes are pretty good but it’s all just physical. I hate that it’s just her wolf instincts that allow the sex scenes to happen because she’s shut out her mind and soul due to her mistreatment/debasement. I wish she wasn’t so ruled by her wolf and instincts. She does try to fight it but it’s only one time (out of the many) that she actually seems torn, where her body does one thing but her eyes and face say another. This could’ve been great if only 3/4 of the book wasn’t spent in a negative headspace. I read/listen to get away not be brought down.