Socialistic progressive wet dream

I am not a climate denier and generally consider myself a social liberal, but this is a crazy socialistic progressive wet dream of world rule by local collectives, secret UN environmentalist terrorist kill teams (who murder petroleum executives), cryptocurrencies allowing tracking of all transactions and redistribution of wealth, jets replaced with leisurely dirigibles, a single worldwide gaia religious conversion, and a weird combination of massive geoengineering (changing the color of the ocean with dye and distributing reflective particles into the atmosphere lasting for years along with thousands of third-world local communal action group projects which (decades from now) reverse climate change! Hurray!

There is not much novel here, there are some characters and an almost non-existent love story (I think), along with a bunch of ultra-progressive theology blending with progressive half-baked scientific interventions.

I have read dozens of books on the issue of climate change, and what becomes clear is both scientific and socio-political interventions are extraordinarily complex. I recommend “The Uninhabitable Earth” which has quite a dark outlook, but it does highlight the many issues with both scientific and socio-political climate change solutions.

A number of reviewers have compared this novel to Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. Both attempt to use the novel from to make a socio-political point, but, although I disagree with Rand’s objectivism, she definitely writes a better novel.

Some reviewers REALLY did not like the narration. I did not love the narration, but it was clear and only rarely annoyed me.