it’s getting close to the ghost season so I wanted a good ghost story mixed a little romance, imagine my delight when I found it in a gay romance. Though as I started to listen I was quickly disillusioned the main character whom I can’t even remember his name other then Black… is a skeptic. Sure good ghost stories happened around skeptics but the first night in the house he hears the ghost and goes running about cursing… only to decide apparently that it’s simply not safe to stay in and so the book jumps 6 months to a year ahead in which the house is rentavated and restored… though apparently in all this time he lives under a rock and doesn’t realize his house is on a ghost tour.. doesn’t suspect a thing about the place till he moves back in… at which the ghost doesn’t play around and immediately starts doing large scale haughts… opening all the windows and doors… foot steps all night long and all this time he shrugs and goes… weird… then he hears Blue call his house… very creatively ‘The Murder House’ … this suddenly he most know what’s going on… it can’t be a ghost but why is it on a ghost tour… why is it called the murder house… and I’m just stunned by how dense he is considering the level of haughtiness described and the lack of horror it supplies… Not to mention each chapter is named after the character it follows and by chapter 5.. it still remains in Black’s pov. All in All a complete disappointment… not romantic at all either it reads more like a porn… Black having never spoken to Blue gets off in the shower to his image… and all though there is nothing described as particularly romantic or sexy even he is always just randomly getting hard around Blue… so it’s not a spooky novel… and it’s not romantic… it’d failed in both departments.