I have 2 major issues with this book, and a ton of smaller issues I won’t bother with. First, Angel is supposed to be a bad ass sorcerer, but keeps turning into a damsel in distress. just how often does a grown man need to be carried around by his boyfriend? it would be bad enough if he was a woman (terrible, actually), but since he’s also written as a strong and competent man it is just really really weird. That combined with the often really odd way Angel speaks to his “boys” makes me pretty sure this book is written by a 90 year old woman who has never met a gay man.

Second, the narrator always sounds like he’s on the edge of an emotional breakdown. It makes the all the aforementioned damsel stuff a million times worse. I like the world building, I like the story overall, but I’m needed to consciously ignore the parts that get on my nerves to make it through.