This is the first series I’ve read by this author. I came because of the narrator who I think is fantastic. He did a great job. The story has a good premise. I liked the setup. I thought book 1 had quite a bit going for it. The characters had some drama and passion. Times were difficult for them. But that’s where it ended. There was very little character development after that. Most of the story came through long info dumps. Those were right out of YouTube conspiracy videos that used to play back in 2016. I didn’t mind and it was enjoyable. But I would have enjoyed the characters actually struggling and being in real danger. Growing and learning. It all seemed too easy for them. Just pray and it’s all good. It seemed in the first book their faith was tested. After that, well never again. Also, there was no person in this book that seemed to have struggled in their lives. They had good jobs, families, a good community. Things were hinted at with characters but never explored. Characters like Benny, and ex-NSA operative dealing with guilt could have been a great character but only gave lectures on what was going on and looked sad. I really appreciated the clean nature of the book and attempt of instilling values and morality into the characters. To me coming from Appalachia, it still felt like many of the problems with the church were still present in these characters and are why people have trouble accepting the American church. But the book made a great attempt and was perhaps a bit of a call to that church to wake up and get it’s act together. I would have been more harsh but I don’t write books and especially ones that are as popular and this author’s. For a credit, it’s a good story if you are a Christian and have an evangelical slant. It is not a prepper’s guide by any means. But it does signify to be prepared and to realize that today may be the day you hear that shofar.