There are two types of LitRPGs, those that craftily weave the traditional mechanics of various role playing games into a story in a unique and imaginative way that enhances the story and explains things in a way that everyone can enjoy, and the lazy and less satisfying type that is basically just fan fiction woven around whatever game the author is currently fond of. This book is definitely the latter, and you really need to be a RPG gamer dork who revels in lots of arbitrary numbers assigned to physical and magical attributes to fully enjoy this book.In book form, maybe reading off lots of stats and figures practically every page would not be so bad, but listening to them being read out with little frame of reference as to what is a high or low number for each category is truly soul stealing.

With that said, I still managed to enjoy the book overall and thought the story was told in a unique enough way to hold my interest. The main character is very likable, although the dialogue is pretty bog standard novice fanfic level. I was also vaguely annoyed at the trope of having generally physically strong females and weaker, feminine males. It is an overdone thing and just irritating to see it yet again in another book, but at least it isn’t done in a super exaggerated way and can be more or less looked over.

I know I sound very harsh about this book, but it is really because I see so much potential in it otherwise. I liked it – I really did. In fact, I’m about to continue the series. It has a good general plot, nice pacing, and a sense of mystery that keeps you reading to find out what happens next and how it all comes together. It’s an entertaining listen that is well read, so if you are keen on these sorts of books, you will probably like it too.