This book makes sense of the modern satanic idiocy we see around us today in CRT, BLM, and other Marxist-inspired movements and activities. Every high school student in the world should have this book as required reading to educate us properly about the world history related to the viral, tribal, horrific doctrine of Marxism and it’s associated ills. I used to be confused about the various “rights” groups being pushed so ferociously in the past couple of decades, wondering if there was a driving force behind them. And there is. They cleverly bind their “solutions” to virtues, so that if anyone dares to be politically incorrect and reject their “solutions”, they are accused of rejecting virtue. This book is amazing and everything becomes so clear after reading it. After all, the Marxists told us their plans all along. And we just keep disbelieving them. It’s time to stop and stand up against Marxist doctrines in all their forms by exposing their roots and motivations and this book does that brilliantly. Now we just need in broken down into under 10-minute videos on YouTube so people can consume it alongside their online Marxist gruel. Thanks for writing this book.