story/plot is disjointed and main character is a wanderer it is not very obvious where the storyline is going, it seems like the main character is just praise for his abilities but chooses to hide the fact that he is gifted which doesn’t make any sense in a grander scheme of things. moreover, it just appears he continues to go on mini quest without an actual solution and then end up at his parents house to confirm that he’s alive. but there isn’t an obvious reason why he’s doing the things he is doing. the childlike romances are a distraction and yes things are happening but nothing meaningful within this book happens. for example, he battles Lucas as note but in the end he kills Lucas and a school battle but there is never really a meaningful battle between the two where Lucas sees the main characters full strength nor does he discover his real identity as no. so the interaction between the two was moot and irrelevant. Arthur ends up killing him in the end with no real climax. I think most of the time the information in this book is oversaturated and small things are giving huge descriptions and larger points are happening off screen. it doesn’t seem like many of the other characters are progressing or becoming better they are only leaning on the strength of Arthur which does not offer an ample build of characterizations in the other characters. I am still trying to grasp the point and oftentimes find myself dazing out or my mind wonders and I can’t focus. I wish there was a clear progression in the main character and the other characters strength and I wish there was a clear plot or overall goal. seems like a lot of the plot is glued together but not really flushed out but small and meaningful details are described more often than more meaningful things. the book is not awful but I think it could have been produced and created much better.