The second book of the ‘Road to Redemption’ series continues the love story of King and Rory. But all is not smooth sailing–it’s Rory who now must deal with his past intruding on the present. I have to admit right here that I have no real knowledge of how the Irish Mob operates, but the whole set-up here with letters and vandalism seems pretty far-fetched. It feels to me that the authors used these tactics to draw out some unnecessary angst with Rory.

With that being said, I like the way Bates and Lyda write Rory and King. Both men have grown up with uncertainty in their lives and now want to settle into stability together. I love that they are conquering the past (mostly) together–not going off half-cocked (again, mostly) trying to handle everything by themselves. They love each other and are learning to trust and communicate effectively with each other.

I like the differentiation Austin Jay gives to the voices of King and Rory. One thing I struggle to adjust to in Jay’s narration is the cadence. It just doesn’t play to me as natural. And, I can’t help it, the pronunciation of the name Rhys throws me out of the story every time.

This audiobook was given to me as a free review copy, at my request. These are my voluntary opinions about it.