I love all Franklin Horton’s books, but it took me awhile to get into this series. I listened to the first book, and just have to say I can’t stand listening to Scottish or Irish accents. No offense to anyone (I am Irish), but it’s really hard for my ears and brain to process. (I didn’t hear those sounds as a child.) So, while I really loved the first book, and the characters in general, it took me a bit to come around on this series, as I can’t hold up an iPad to read an ebook. I’m so glad I did. It didn’t bother me as much with this book and plan to continue on. The writing is just as amazing as normal and the non-stop action kept my attention through this entire day! I’m not really a fan of Barb’s as she’s a little too rough around the edges for me, but I absolutely love the Mad Mick. I can’t wait to see what else is in store for this group. Kevin Pierce is a little too good at narrating, just kidding, (the whole accent thing); he rocks this book as usual. 5 stars all the way.