I have submitted this review after listening to the audiobooks of this titles.

#1 Zero Day
Sunday is a bad, bad day, and the week only gets worse.
Having been bitten, and passed out Zeb does the right thing and rings the cops, only to be carted away to a jail, that ends with a riot of blood thirsty inmates.
Teaming up with a couple of guys, they make a break for it, only to find the cops with “shoot to kill” mentality.
Yes, it can and does get worse than this!!

#2 Infected

Three of the slow burners move out from the university, as their rescued companions, now that they were armed, thanks to Zed and Murphy’s scavenging forays, no longer felt safe with the three that had obviously been infected, but were not rabid.
So, they head towards Murphy’s mother’s house, hoping that they would find his family alive. The backup plan is to find the condemned house, with the bunker, and see if they could hole up there.
It’s a dangerous world, and nothing can be trusted. Not having your wits about you will certainly get you or your companions killed.

#3 Destroyer

Zed goes a little berserk, once he finds the young college girl, he had rescued, raped and killed.
Zed then targets any whites, with the intention of trying to check on the nurse and her colleagues at the hospital.
Although there’s a lot more to this story, I have enjoyed it, as part of my daily treadmill routine .

#4 Dead Fire

Zed becomes seperated from the group, thanks to a colleagues underhanded trick. He tries to make his way back, but has a couple of misadventures along the way.
Life is difficult as is, without those that haven’t turned or a slow burners turning on each other.

#5 Torrent

Not only, we have “Smart ones”, whites or infected humans that could use the other zombie type whites, to do their bidding, which could be using pure numbers to overwhelm any obstacles.
We now have the drought breaking, bringing another dimension of danger to this horrific world.

#6 Bleed

In a world where a moment of inattention could cost a life, it’s not the immediate threat of the horde that causes the most emotional and physical distress.
No, it’s those that a person has put their life on the line, only to be rejected because of skin color.
Although behavior characteristics were vastly different, fear caused rational reasoning to be over written.
Then there’s those that no matter what’s happening in the world, they believe they are the elite of any group. They are the real enemy of mankind.

#7 City of Stin

Zeb recovered, thanks to Murphy’s attention in a house by the lake.
On encountering helicopters, Zeb’s curiosity was caught, and together, the friends made their way to Austin, after obtaining yet another mode of transport.
Picking up another group, they encounter a hidden hideaway.
However, another idea has twicked their curiosity, so now we are moving out of Austin, to see if a cure could be found.

#8 Grind

Zed still held the death of the young girl in the University dorm against Mark. He believed he was a member of “The Smart Ones”, those that were the directors of the “Naked Hoard”. This was so influencing Zed’s behavior he had to act upon it.
With the help of his ever faithful friend Murphy, they set out to rid the earth of these evildoers, as well as the other group of people that had the idea of servitude of the white masses, as a way to gain control of the world.
Hopefully, with a lot of creative thinking these two groups may eradicate each other, thus giving those survivors that had peace and human survival as their goals, a fair chance to live.

#9 Sanctum

So, the grudge held for Mark, one of the hoardes smart ones overtaken everything else in Zeb’s life, until he deals with it. Then what? Where does he and Murphy go next.
To the stronghold where the scientists were trying to find an antidote? Out west, where they have gone before Steph’s death?
They needed supplies, and the naked hoarde had disappeared, so the air force base may help, then where will they find sanctuary??
I won’t let out a very satisfying ending to this tale.
I must admit, it wasn’t something that I normally would read, but, using the audiobooks as I walked on a treadmill, grinding out my daily step allowance, well, the audiobooks did entertain, and the characters definitely were charismatic enough to engage my continued attention.