Truly like watching a snowball tumble down the mountain. It started with a neat hook that continued to cascade, gaining impressive velocity with time. I couldn’t stop listening for the last seven or eight hours, stayed up all night. The story was centered around base building with a satisfying character arc. By the end, I was figuratively leaning at the edge of my seat. More importantly, in recent years, I have come to hate stories without consequences. I almost left the book unfinished because the story seemed to head in such a direction………but here I am with a five star review.

Narrator performed admirably overall. Seldom did I feel his voice acting fall short; at most, a few laughs or yells across twenty hours of recording. His work constitutes an excellent production.

Speaking of production, I found the effects and noises a fantastic addition to the narration. It should be implemented in every book where appropriate. The Lit RPG fantasy genre should definitely harness such a useful tool.

I highly recommend this book. It was fantastic!