_Space Team_ by Barry J. Hutchison receives four stars from me. It is a light, fun book great for stressful times.

I listened to the audiobook which was read by Phil Thorn. Thron was excellent. His interpretation of the character’s inflections added to the experience. He has great voices–I loved both Mec’s voices. Also, the main character, Cal, had a perfectly fitting voice. I recommend Thron.

Now the book. It’s a space comedy, but not ridiculous. I loved the characters. Cal is annoyingly fun, and predictable. By that I mean, he’s a person we’ve all met, and you know when reading his adventures how he’s going to react. You know, he’s going to say something annoying. He’s a conman right, and sometimes he says things like this: “I think we’ve all learned from this.” Like he’s some great negotiator. Great fun.

The plot is simple but not meandering; however, I’m unsure if the reader knows the destination throughout the text. For example, in a military novel, there will be a battle; or in a mystery, the murder will be revealed. I felt this more akin to Homer’s odyssey where the plot moves from one event to the next. They all make sense–all the events. They all move from one to the next seamlessly. It’s a good book, and I enjoyed the ending.

This is a great book for stressful times. It is light and easy to follow; it is fun; the imagery is easy to see. A great help.

Recommended: Yes, I will be reading the next one soon.