I don’t follow many authors. I picked this book up because I enjoyed several other books by this author… and one or two that I did not like so much. I thought this one was very well written and explored a number of concepts that I have pondered in the past. It was very enjoyable and thought provoking. My only gripe is that the final chapter or two felt a little rushed.

That said, people need to go in with an open mind. It does explore faith to some extent. Agnostics will likely enjoy the story. Many Christians will will likely find it twists faith too much. Atheists will likely reject it for having even an ounce of religious content. C.S. Lewis, a former atheist, stated that atheism requires the most faith because a religious person need only accept one religion while atheists need to reject them all. Consequently many of them reject anything that even remotely challenges their “faith”. I think the author does a great job exploring “reality” and describing how something we might see as supernatural may just be technology that we fail to understand, that the creator of our reality need not break his own rules, and that the reality we live in may be millions of years old, or simply a simulation started mere seconds ago with all our memories pre-programmed.