enjoyable, though profanity laden. a very well done, with a few gamelit Easter eggs.
crude humor is very rife in the first chapter, and periodically makes its way back in, naturally, as the characters stay reletively true. less, as the mishaps of the world make them more solemn, but ever present. I view this as a plus for the writing/consistance/development, and a minus OVERALL for my *personal taste.* I admit its well done.
I will say only that while reading and listening, one understands immediately that the stakes are real, that none of the companion characters are mindless adventure loving tag-a-longs, and decisions have consequense. not everyone can adjust to massive upheaval, and there come a point where those who have managed to adjust somewhat have to double down on a dangerous goal to salvage some of whats lost,

absolutely intruiged by what I’ve seen of their progression system. would stick around out of curiosity even if I hadnt also ended up enjoying the story!