TLDR: amazing 2nd book with the best ending I have ever read.

I’m only at the end of the 2nd book as of now. And it felt like the time to share my thoughts…
The series over all had me wondering if I made the right choice in picking this misguided adventure.

In the end, it so was. This book is not the artfully crafted pieces I’m use to on the highest level of written tomes man has to offer. It is dad joke randomly, lazly and painful antossed together with fantasy dnd and the perverted thoughts of someone who may need to get the selfs a friend with benefits as they may be more then a little backed up.

This series is more like a slow burn it the most unexpected way. A way that my command of my native English language fails to allow me or the most educated literary reviewer to properly explain. We just don’t have a concept for what I fell the author chose to do here.. Moments had me wondering if this author was dropped on their head.

Now I know what I have written here sounds like I hated the books.
Some times I thought I hated the books and have been reading the to see if I could have an aneurysm.
But some times in life it is about a moment. One moment that sets a path. A moment that changes a pile of trash to a masterpiece as beautiful as being able to observe the cosmos in totally and understanding the majesty of it all.

Will this become my favorite series? no.
But the ending of this book contains what is the most impressive scene I have ever been gifted the enjoyment of.
? Bravo! Been reading a book every day of my life for years now. Be that a quick chapter, killing a Novella in a short sitting, or setting down for the long haul on a larger novel. That one Scene was magically magnificent. I don’t even have the ability to say how amazing this chaotic mess really is. All I can say is thank you for the experience.

sorry if this comes out poorly as I wrote this extremely quickly on my phone.