This is an emotional roller coaster of a listen. In the contemporary zeitgeist this book should send a shiver down the spine of the reader. We have recently heard elected officials spout antisemitic rhetoric, people trying to dehumanize half the country using terms like deplorables, inserectionists, calling for reeducation camps, pushing racist indoctrination in public schools while calling those opposed as racists, mass sensorship by one political party in collusion with major corporations and the emergence of socialist organizations murdering and looting in our cities.

We truly need to learn the lessons from this book NOW! and use them to stop this slide toward totalitarianism.

If you think it can’t happen here, you’re fooling yourself. I’m sure that the average German in 1930 thought the same thing. Did you ever think that the U.S. and it’s major companies would do business with a nation that has enslaved part of it’s population and placed them in forced labor camps making commerially available products (China).

We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. This book is a double shot of espresso… Time to wake up an smell the evil!