I only made it a few hours in so take my review with a grain of salt.

Minor spoiler ahead:

Without giving too much away, MC is accidentally reaped by a death god. Rather than accept the mistake, the Reaper sends MC’s soul (which is apparently identical to his physical body) to prison planet to pay for crimes he didn’t commit. Absolutely bizarre premise but that’s not why I stopped reading

Despite supposedly being smart, witty, and considerate, the MC quickly develops a habit of refusing help but also ensuring he actively antagonizes people who can beat the crap out of him. It’s totally inconsistent. No rational person of any age would shove someone that can sheath their body in flame when they themselves are a totally generic human. Not even going to wait for his plot armor to kick in and save him

If you’re like me, and need your MCs to be either intelligent or consistent, then I hope this review helps inform your decision